Knowledge Centre
Why You Need a Private Line Locate
It's Your Land, but You Shouldn't Dig On It…What?!! No, you shouldn't disturb the ground on your land without carefully considering ground disturbance regulations.…
Why Some Companies Are Destined to Have a Line Strike
We all like to cut costs, and that's fair… until people start cutting corners. Daylighting or Hand Excavation. Ground disturbance best practice is to expose a…
How To Hire an Expert Line Locator
Line locating service companies are not governed by specific guidelines, regulations, standards, and best practices. How Can You Tell an Expert Service from a Dud?…
Why is a "Cheap" Line Locator Sooo Expensive?
We all like to cut costs, and that's fair… until people start cutting corners. Daylighting or Hand Excavation. Ground disturbance best practice is to expose a…